Wednesday, October 30, 2019

INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example For example, Apple Inc was on the verge of destruction in the 80’s and 90’s because of the huge competition from arch rival Microsoft. However, the company was able to introduce some innovative products such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc at the beginning of 2000. The rest is history now. Apple Inc. is currently the most valuable technology company in the world and they are the second largest in terms of market capitalization. According to Rigby et al, (2009, p.2), â€Å"innovation is both a vaccine against market slowdowns and an elixir that rejuvenates growth†. On the other hand knowledge management (KM) is the process of discovering, developing, utilizing, delivering, and absorbing knowledge inside and outside the organization. The aim of KM is to meet current and future needs of an organization (Poorebrahimi et al., 2012). As in the case of innovation, the ultimate aim of KM is to improve the competitive power of an organization. If knowledge is the raw material, data will be the finished good for an organization. If data are the building blocks, then knowledge is the finished house. In short, knowledge management is extremely important for an organization. This paper analyses the importance of innovation and knowledge management in improving the competitive power of modern organizations. ... These phones are modifications of Samsung’s previous smartphone; Galaxy S2. In other words, S3 and S4 can be described as examples for incremental innovation. On the other hand, Apple has introduced world’s first touchscreen phone (iPhone) at the beginning of 2000. No other phones available in the market had touchscreen technology at that time. Therefore, iPhone can be described as an example for radical innovation. â€Å"Incremental innovation modestly improves a firm’s products or processes or fine-tunes its business model. Radical innovation significantly improves existing products and services or replaces them with new ones† (Susman et al., 2006, p.16). Radical innovation occurs less frequently than incremental innovation since radical innovation is an expensive act compared to incremental innovation. There are two types of organizations in the market; leaders and followers. Leaders always develop innovative and new products whereas followers try to im itate those products. For example Apple was the first one who innovated the touchscreen phone. Samsung, Sony, Nokia and many other mobile manufacturers followed the path of Apple after watching the success of iPhone. According to Tellis et al (2009), radical innovation is crucial to the growth of firms and economies. Both radical and incremental innovations are necessary for an organization to sustain its competitive power. However, radical innovation seems to be more effective in improving the competitive power of an organization. According to Rubera, & Kirca (2012), radical innovation is more effective than incremental innovation. For example, Microsoft is one company which introduces many innovative products such as Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows

Monday, October 28, 2019

Philosophy of education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of education Essay Philosophy is a set of beliefs or ideas one has towards their discipline or line of work. Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen, authors of the textbook â€Å"Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional,† define philosophy as â€Å"The study of theories of knowledge, truth, existence, and morality† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. The philosophy of education is a very important aspect of teaching. It is meant to guide teachers in the classroom and offer insight to the thinking of past experts [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. It often will answer the main questions any new and even seasoned teachers have when preparing to teach in the classroom. There are various degrees of philosophy, for example; there is the philosophy of life, the philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of education. However, there are four philosophies of education they include: Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and Social Reconstructionism. After calculating my scores on the philosophical assessment in the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I found that my personal philosophy of education is an equal combination of Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism. According to Kauchak and Eggen, Perennialism consists of the teaching of classic knowledge [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. This includes literacy, mathematics, and science. Another way of looking at this is teaching student’s subjects that they will use in the future, even if it does not seem relevant now. The definition of perennial is â€Å"long-term† and that is exactly how a teacher with a Perennialism philosophy teaches. Social Reconstructionism, according to Kauchak and Eggen is â€Å"An educational philosophy suggesting that schools, teachers, and students should lead in alleviating social inequities in our society† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. In other words, a teacher with this philosophy teaches their students about social problems, improving society and teaching their students about personal responsibilities. Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are each on opposite ends of the spectrum. Social Reconstructionism focuses more on the society in which the student lives, while Perennialism focuses more on the intellect of the student. Having these two as my personal philosophies is a bit difficult. While I do believe teaching tolerance and understanding is important, I also know that learning mathematics, science and literacy is equally important. After reading the scenario on page 219 of the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I would respond to the students by first trying to motivate them. Offering incentives is a great way to get students’ attention; they are more eager to pay attention if they are pursuing it to get something out of it. You can use anything as a motivator; my favorite was always free dessert at lunch! You can also give extra credit points on the next quiz or for younger students you could offer an incentive such as â€Å"line leader† or â€Å"bathroom monitor† for the day. The younger students love when they think they are in charge of something, it can also help their self-esteem knowing they are doing something important. I do believe this is more of an example of Perennialism, however, depending on the specific motivator and the response it gets; it could be Social Reconstructionism as well. The second response I would try is starting a discussion. I would try getting the students’ attention by putting them in discussion groups or having a discussion as a whole class. This would definitely be an example of Social Reconstructionism. This encourages the students to work together and to come up with a solution together. It gives them a chance to ask each other questions before asking the teacher. It also compels them to stay focused on the topic and eliminates the â€Å"my hand wasn’t raised† excuse. My third response, though I would make it my last resort, would be to write a summary on what was taught during the instruction. By doing this, it makes the students want and need to listen in order to do their assignment correctly. This also offers a chance to get some feedback from the teacher and allows you to reflect on what you learned and what you need to work on. This is an example of Perennialism, as it deals with the thought process and encouraging literacy. While Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are complete opposites, they also share some characteristics, making it easier to teach using both philosophies. Many common knowledge subjects can be transitioned to include activities that work well to alleviate social problems. In math, you can have the students work in groups. This promotes team work and logic. In literacy, you may give reading assignments dealing with a specific problem in society (e. g. poverty, bullying, etc) and have the students write summaries on what they read. This can promote logical thinking as well as establishing knowledge of the society issue in the reading.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Baldwins Attack of Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe :: Uncle Toms Cabin Essays

James Baldwin's Attack of Uncle Tom's Cabin      Ã‚   What Frederick Douglass was to the 19th century, it might be argued that James Baldwin was to the 20th century.    Baldwin was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and an African American novelist, publishing many books and plays, including his most popular Go Tell It on the Mountain in 1953. However, he was also known as an essayist. One of his most famous essays, "Everybody's Protest Novel," attacks the concept of protest fiction and more specifically, Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. This 20th century critical analysis discusses the novel's downfalls of sentimentality, grandiose violence, and racialist characterization.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin feels that the protest novel is almost always sentimental. He feels that sentimental fiction is inherently dishonest. He writes, "Sentimentality, the ostentatious parading of excessive and spurious emotion, is the mark of dishonesty, the inability to feel; the wet eyes of the sentimentalist betray his aversion to experience, his fear of life, his arid heart; and it is always, therefore, the signal of secret and violent inhumanity, the mask of cruelty" (1654). He explains that Uncle Tom's Cabin is a "very bad novel" with sentimentality similar to Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Baldwin also writes that Stowe includes an excess of violence in Uncle Tom's Cabin. He notes:    This [violence] is explained by the nature of Mrs. Stowe's subject matter, her laudable determination to flinch from nothing in presenting the complete picture; an explanation which falters only if we pause to ask whether or not her picture is indeed complete; and what construction . . . forced her to so depend on the description of brutality - unmotivated, senseless - and to leave unanswered and unnoticed the only important question: what it was, after all, that moved her people to such deeds. (1654)    Baldwin sees the graphic violence in the story as a means to create reality; however, Stowe fails, creating only more sentimentality.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin suggests that the characterization in Uncle Tom's Cabin is racist in its development. He discusses the main characters of the novel as George, Eliza, and Uncle Tom. He writes, "Eliza is a beautiful, pious hybrid, light enough to pass . . . . George is darker, but makes up for it by being a mechanical genius, and is, moreover, sufficiently un-Negroid to pass through town . Baldwin's Attack of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe :: Uncle Tom's Cabin Essays James Baldwin's Attack of Uncle Tom's Cabin      Ã‚   What Frederick Douglass was to the 19th century, it might be argued that James Baldwin was to the 20th century.    Baldwin was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and an African American novelist, publishing many books and plays, including his most popular Go Tell It on the Mountain in 1953. However, he was also known as an essayist. One of his most famous essays, "Everybody's Protest Novel," attacks the concept of protest fiction and more specifically, Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. This 20th century critical analysis discusses the novel's downfalls of sentimentality, grandiose violence, and racialist characterization.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin feels that the protest novel is almost always sentimental. He feels that sentimental fiction is inherently dishonest. He writes, "Sentimentality, the ostentatious parading of excessive and spurious emotion, is the mark of dishonesty, the inability to feel; the wet eyes of the sentimentalist betray his aversion to experience, his fear of life, his arid heart; and it is always, therefore, the signal of secret and violent inhumanity, the mask of cruelty" (1654). He explains that Uncle Tom's Cabin is a "very bad novel" with sentimentality similar to Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Baldwin also writes that Stowe includes an excess of violence in Uncle Tom's Cabin. He notes:    This [violence] is explained by the nature of Mrs. Stowe's subject matter, her laudable determination to flinch from nothing in presenting the complete picture; an explanation which falters only if we pause to ask whether or not her picture is indeed complete; and what construction . . . forced her to so depend on the description of brutality - unmotivated, senseless - and to leave unanswered and unnoticed the only important question: what it was, after all, that moved her people to such deeds. (1654)    Baldwin sees the graphic violence in the story as a means to create reality; however, Stowe fails, creating only more sentimentality.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin suggests that the characterization in Uncle Tom's Cabin is racist in its development. He discusses the main characters of the novel as George, Eliza, and Uncle Tom. He writes, "Eliza is a beautiful, pious hybrid, light enough to pass . . . . George is darker, but makes up for it by being a mechanical genius, and is, moreover, sufficiently un-Negroid to pass through town .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Euthanasia: We Have a Right to a Peaceful Death :: Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide

If there is a contemporary ethical issue which is even more explosive than abortion, it's the question of whether human beings have the right to a peaceful death (euthanasia). In my opinion, a terminally ill person should have a right to avoid pre-death pains and die as peacefully as possible. At this final stage of our presence here, we should not agonize in pointless pain but try to leave well and this implies our right to decide whether we should use euthanasia. Thus, I believe that we need a law that will confirm our rights to euthanasia. However this issue goes beyond merely a right of a certain individual for euthanasia. Many legal norms and procedures must be developed and conventional moral norms must be modified in order to accommodate euthanasia in practice in the USA. In cases of active assisted euthanasia, an assistant (doctor) should feel himself or herself morally comfortable, i.e. not viewed as a murderer. In cases of active unassisted euthanasia a dying person should not be judged as a person who committed suicide. As to the procedures that the government must develop they should ensure that there is a minimum chance of abuse of euthanasia. (Sasha, your part) Abuse aside, it is important that euthanasia does not become simply an expedient solution to the problem of the care for elderly. Nowadays in the United States, even a somewhat healthy elderly person after a certain age comes under a growing social pressure to enter a nursing home, so as to solve the problem of his or her care. Similar pressure (even if to a different degree) to exercise one’s right to euthanasia will necessarily exist if it is legalized. Thus, society must be extremely careful not to let euthanasia become just another convenient solution to the problem of elderly care. It is only the last resort of a person to end agonizing pain, not to stop being a â€Å"burden† on the family or society. This will be especially important in about 10-20-30 years as a large segment of population, the baby boomers, will start approaching the end of their lives. As to the work of Dr. Euthanasia: We Have a Right to a Peaceful Death :: Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide If there is a contemporary ethical issue which is even more explosive than abortion, it's the question of whether human beings have the right to a peaceful death (euthanasia). In my opinion, a terminally ill person should have a right to avoid pre-death pains and die as peacefully as possible. At this final stage of our presence here, we should not agonize in pointless pain but try to leave well and this implies our right to decide whether we should use euthanasia. Thus, I believe that we need a law that will confirm our rights to euthanasia. However this issue goes beyond merely a right of a certain individual for euthanasia. Many legal norms and procedures must be developed and conventional moral norms must be modified in order to accommodate euthanasia in practice in the USA. In cases of active assisted euthanasia, an assistant (doctor) should feel himself or herself morally comfortable, i.e. not viewed as a murderer. In cases of active unassisted euthanasia a dying person should not be judged as a person who committed suicide. As to the procedures that the government must develop they should ensure that there is a minimum chance of abuse of euthanasia. (Sasha, your part) Abuse aside, it is important that euthanasia does not become simply an expedient solution to the problem of the care for elderly. Nowadays in the United States, even a somewhat healthy elderly person after a certain age comes under a growing social pressure to enter a nursing home, so as to solve the problem of his or her care. Similar pressure (even if to a different degree) to exercise one’s right to euthanasia will necessarily exist if it is legalized. Thus, society must be extremely careful not to let euthanasia become just another convenient solution to the problem of elderly care. It is only the last resort of a person to end agonizing pain, not to stop being a â€Å"burden† on the family or society. This will be especially important in about 10-20-30 years as a large segment of population, the baby boomers, will start approaching the end of their lives. As to the work of Dr.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Government Hospitals of India

Healthcare in India features a universal health care system run by the constituent states and territories of India. The Constitutioncharges every state with â€Å"raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties†. The National Health Policy was endorsed by the Parliament of India in 1983 and updated in 2002. [1] However, the government sector is understaffed and underfinanced; poor services at state-run hospitals force many people to visit private medical practitioners. citation needed] Government hospitals, some of which are among the best hospitals in India, provide treatment at taxpayer expense. Most essential drugs are offered free of charge in these hospitals. Government hospitals provide treatment either free or at minimal charges. For example, an outpatient card at AIIMS (one of the best hospitals in India) costs a one time fee of rupees 10 (around 20 cents US) and thereafter outp atient medical advice is free. In-hospital treatment costs depend on financial condition of the patient and facilities utilized by him but are usually much less than the private sector.For instance, a patient is waived treatment costs if he is below poverty line. Another patient may seek for an air-conditioned room if he is willing to pay extra for it. The charges for basic in-hospital treatment and investigations are much less compared to the private sector. The cost for these subsidies comes from annual allocations from the central and state governments. Primary health care is provided by city and district hospitals and rural primary health centres (PHCs). These hospitals provide treatment free of cost.Primary care is focused on immunization, prevention of malnutrition, pregnancy, child birth, postnatal care, and treatment of common illnesses. [citation needed] Patients who receive specialized care or have complicated illnesses are referred to secondary (often located in district and taluk headquarters) and tertiary care hospitals (located in district and state headquarters or those that are teaching hospitals). [citation needed] In recent times,[when? ] India has eradicated mass famines, however the country still suffers from high levels of malnutrition and disease especially in rural areas.Water supply and sanitation in India is also a major issue in the country and many Indians in rural areas lack access to proper sanitation facilities and safe drinking water. However, at the same time, India's health care system also includes entities that meet or exceed international quality standards. The medical tourism business in India has been growing in recent years and as such India is a popular destination for medical tourists who receive effective medical treatment at lower costs than in developed countries.Disease India suffers from high levels of disease including Malaria,[17] and Tuberculosis where one third of the world’s tuberculosis cases are in In dia. [18] In addition, India along with Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan is one of the four countries worldwide where polio has not as yet been eradicated. Ongoing government of India education about HIV has led to decreases in the spread of HIV in recent years. The number of people living with AIDS in India is estimated to be between 2 and 3 million.However, in terms of the total population this is a small number. The country has had a sharp decrease in the estimated number of HIV infections; 2005 reports had claimed that there were 5. 2 million to 5. 7 million people afflicted with the virus. The new figures are supported by the World Health Organization and UNAIDS. [19][20][21] [edit]Pollution According to the World Health Organization 900,000 Indians die each year from drinking contaminated water and breathing in polluted air. 22] As India grapples with these basic issues, new challenges are emerging for example there is a rise in chronic adult diseases such as cardiovascular i llnesses and diabetes as a consequence of changing lifestyles. [23] [edit]Malnutrition Half of children in India are underweight, one of the highest rates in the world and nearly same as Sub-Saharan Africa. [24] India contributes to about 5. 6 million child deaths every year, more than half the world's total. [25] [edit]Water and sanitation Main article: Water supply and sanitation in India Water supply and sanitation in India is a matter of concern.As of 2003, it was estimated that only 30% of India's wastewater was being treated, with the remainder flowing into rivers orgroundwater. [26] The lack of toilet facilities in many areas also presents a major health risk; open defecation is widespread even in urban areas of India,[27][28] and it was estimated in 2002 by the World Health Organisation that around 700,000 Indians die each year from diarrhoea. [26] No city in India has full-day water supply. Most cities supply water only a few hours a day. [29] In towns and rural areas the s ituation is even worse. [edit]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Overview of Economic Stagflation in the 1970s

An Overview of Economic Stagflation in the 1970s The term stagflation- an economic condition of both continuing inflation and stagnant business activity (i.e. recession), together with an increasing unemployment rate- described the new economic malaise in the 1970s pretty accurately. Stagflation in the 1970s Inflation seemed to feed on itself. People began to expect continued increases in the price of goods, so they bought more. This increased demand pushed up prices, leading to demands for higher wages, which pushed prices higher still in a continuing upward spiral. Labor contracts increasingly came to include automatic cost-of-living clauses, and the government began to peg some payments, such as those for Social Security, to the Consumer Price Index, the best-known gauge of inflation. While these practices helped workers and retirees cope with inflation, they perpetuated inflation. The governments ever-rising need for funds swelled the budget deficit and led to greater government borrowing, which in turn pushed up interest rates and increased costs for businesses and consumers even further. With energy costs and interest rates high, business investment languished and unemployment rose to uncomfortable levels. President Jimmy Carters Reaction In desperation, President Jimmy Carter (1977 to 1981) tried to combat economic weakness and unemployment by increasing government spending, and he established voluntary wage and price guidelines to control inflation. Both were largely unsuccessful. A perhaps more successful but less dramatic attack on inflation involved the deregulation of numerous industries, including airlines, trucking, and railroads. These industries had been tightly regulated, with the government controlling routes and fares. Support for deregulation continued beyond the Carter administration. In the 1980s, the government relaxed controls on bank interest rates and long-distance telephone service, and in the 1990s it moved to ease regulation of local telephone service. The War Against Inflation The most important element in the war against inflation was the Federal Reserve Board, which clamped down hard on the money supply beginning in 1979. By refusing to supply all the money an inflation-ravaged economy wanted, the Fed caused interest rates to rise. As a result, consumer spending and business borrowing slowed abruptly. The economy soon fell into a deep recession  rather than recovering from all aspects of the stagflation that had been present. Source This article is adapted from the book Outline of the U.S. Economy by Conte and Carr and has been adapted with permission from the U.S. Department of State.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Evidence-Based Practice in The Health Belief Model

buy custom Evidence-Based Practice in The Health Belief Model The Health Belief Model Theory Abstract The Health Belief Model is one of the most widespread and successful theories used in the sphere of health education and health promotion. Initially the researchers created this theory in the sphere of social science in the early 1950s with the primary purpose to understand and assess the failure of people to adopt strategies that may prevent a disease. Even nowadays this behavioral change model remains one of the most effective theories applied to predict, evaluate, and change health-related behaviors of individuals in numerous challenging health areas, especially nursing. The health belief model bases on such pillars as perceived seriousness, susceptibility, benefits, and, finally, barriers, and assists healthcare providers in ensuring effective aid and high-quality services to patients. Keywords: health belief model, perceived seriousness, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived limitations, self-efficacy, cues to action

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comedy essays

Comedy essays A world without comedy would be similar to a butter knife, it's dull, useless, and achieves very little. The world would be littered with rude, arrogant, obnoxious people creating an anti-utopia. Comedy keep the world in motion, it allows people to shrug off rude comments, laugh at one another, and it creates a casual enviroment. There are many types of comedy, irony, satire, sarcasm etc. All are used in The Webster's dictionary defines comedy as "Drama dealing with the lighter side of life, ending happily, or treating the subject humorously." There are many different definitions for comedy, but all are closely related in saying that the outcome will be happy or comical. Comical stories are easy to read, they usually have a fantasy world setting, few main characters which makes the plot easy to follow and the stories can be related to real life. Comedy creates the illusion that things will get better, however, comedy gets better by making the situation worse. In the short story "The Greatest Man in the World" The main character, Pal Smurch, made a record for flying around the world. His achievement was great but his manners and attitude were uncivil. A rude egocentric man could not hold such a record. Society wouldn't permit it. To make things better, they pushed him out a window. Only in comedy could you kill someone to make things better and The comic view of life is essentially a long-term view. The ideas of destruction and death limit the tragic view. But comedy takes death and changes it. It may be the end of an individual life, but it fits into the larger scheme and the human race continues to live on. In the world of comedy nothing is bad, nothing is taken seriously and everyone wins in the end. Comedy is a literary form that deals with the adventures of a human society in ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Changing Roles of Unions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Changing Roles of Unions - Assignment Example The unions currently engage in collective bargaining of benefits, wages and working conditions. Additionally, the unions represent employees during disputes with the management especially in cases of contract violations. Yates (2009), explain that both AFL-CIOÂ  and Change to Win Federation seek to achieve similar objectives for their members a feature that shows the split as a way of addressing contemporary labor issues. Key among such issues is globalization of labor and the development of the private sector. As such, the government, which is also a major employer, must uphold the values fronted by unions thereby safeguarding the interests of the employees. Additionally, the government should formulate appropriate legislations that protect the interests of workers thereby enhancing the development of unions in the country. Unions should observe the trends in the labor market thereby increasing their roles to protect workers from various factors in both the public and private sectors (Wunnava, 2008). Creation of appropriate organizational cultures that encompass the various diversities in the society is appropriate. Human resource managers must create a friendly working environment for their employees by permitting them to form unions since such is a constitutional right. The managers must meet the demands of such unions since they always enhance the productivity of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

PV92 practical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

PV92 practical - Assignment Example This would, therefore, mean that the genomic DNA is not protected from degradation by the cellular enzymes released during the isolation protocol of the DNA. Response to Question 2. In order to carry out a PCR, one requires DNA. This means a cell is important since it is the source of the DNA. The cell can also serve as a source for base pairs, enzymes and primers. Response to Question 3. There are various structures that are often broken in order to release the DNA from a cell. These include the cells, the cheek tissues, the phosholids, the nucleus, and proteinase K. this is done so that proteins along with other organically-soluble compounds are removed from chromosomes and cells. PCR Amplication. Response to question 1. It is important to have a primer on either side of the segment of a DNA that is going to be amplified because these form the four basic bases. Uracil exists in RNA, despite being a special case. Primers are vital and essential components of the synthesis. They synt hesize an RNA short piece which is complementary to the strant of the template DNA forming the bonds of hydrogen with it. This provides a DNA polymer with a starting poing which that is required for the synthesis. After the completion of the DNA synthesis, the segment of RNA is removed and a DNA replaces it. Response to Question 2. Taq DNA polymerase is the thermostable DNA polymerase that derived its name from the thermophilic bacterium called Thermus aquaticus. The T.aquaticus is a specific bacterium found in hydrothermal and hot springs vents. Response to Question 3. It is because they are the only four basic bases with uracil being is present in the RNA, although it is a special case. Components of Master mix include water, oug template, the buffer, deoxynucleotides, aum primers, template DNA and ampliTaq polymerase. The buffer is used for keeping the master mix at a suitable PH in order to make sure the reaction of the PCR occurs. Deoxynu-cleotides, in this case help in providi ng the energy and the nucleosides used for synthesizing the DNA. As widely cited, it is vital adding equal amounts of each of the nucleotide (, dTTP, dCTP, dATP and dGTP) onto the master matrix for purposes of preventing the mismatch of bases. The ouM primers are short pieces of the DNA that often bind onto the DNA template to allow the Taq DNA polymerase enzyme to start the incorporation of deoxynucleotides. The AmpliTaq polymerase is used, in this case, to add the deoxynucleotides onto the DNA template. Last but not least, there is presence of oug template that is often amplified by a PCR reaction. Response to Question 4. The DNA PCR amplification takes place in repeated cycles of the three temperature-dependent steps. In the first step, a double-stranded DNA or (dsDNA) template becomes denatured. In the second stage, the oligonucleotide primers become annealed to a single-stranded DNA also called (ssDNA) template. In this case one primer become designed specifically to anneal ont o a certain specific region found on the left side of the strands of the DNA with the other primer being designed specifically to anneal onto a specific region of the complementary DNA strand right side. In the third stage, the DNA polymerase is meant to extend on each primer in 3' to 5' direction, while duplicating the fragment of the DNA between the primers. While

Toyota Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota - Research Paper Example Toyota also has to adhere to the regulations set up by the respective government rates concerning its fuel policy. The oil industry is an obvious major stakeholder in the company and it has to liaise with it for successful business. The company strives to ensure delivery to consumers as soon as possible. It uses the Just-In-Time system of vehicle production whose aim is to manufacture the vehicles ordered by customers as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Only what has been ordered is manufactured to avoid backlogs and maintain continuity of production. The company makes sure that the spare parts necessary for assembly are already in stock so that when an order is placed, work begins immediately without further delays. The parts used are then ordered and replaced in successive production; stock out are not allowed. Toyota provides excellent after-sales services and has been ranked highest on the basis of dealership service performance assessment. Customers are in a position to gain from an array of services including service initiation, vehicle pick-up, service advisers, quality assurance and facilities. Focusing on customers and interacting personally with them enhances overall customer delights and promotes brand loyalty. As far as quality is concerned, Toyota has put emphasis on quality assurance systems with Total Quality Control activities implemented to ensure quality issues arising are solved as soon as possible and recurrences avoided in advance. During production, defects are checked during each process and strict inspection procedures are carried out to maintain quality end products. There has been a significant increase in demand for vehicles around the world as people become more financially empowered. In an effort to have a market share of this growth Toyota has increased its employees and suppliers. Unfortunately, it seems that it’s

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Outsourcing vs. Off Shoring Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outsourcing vs. Off Shoring - Assignment Example One of the criticisms of off shoring is that it denies the local community employment opportunities as it transfers jobs to foreign countries, and therefore companies that participate in off shoring do not directly contribute to the economic development of the local community. As for outsourcing companies, they are mainly criticised for relying on third parties to perform some of their core functions thereby failing to develop in-house knowledge of the outsource functions. Secondly, outsourcing has the potential of misaligning customers’ interest since some core functions of the business are not performed by the company originally contracted (Oshri et al. 2009). Outsourcing and off shoring have similarities in advantages they offer that include reduced cost of operations, sub-contracting of work to equally qualified external workforce, and labour flexibilities. According to the studies conducted by Tuckman (1965), he stated that high performance teams usually follow five common stages or phases that include the forming, the storming, the norming, the performing, and the adjoining stage. For teams that perform either outsourced or off shored tasks, a team leader in the forming stage which is the first stage will bring together different members so as to form the team, at this stage the team leader may just introduce members and then proceed to the next stage, which is the storming stage. Under the storming stage, the team leader will exercise his or her authority by delegating tasks to team members and clearly define the team’s objectives and goals. Under the norming stage, team leaders usually try to control the fallouts witnessed in the storming stage and a well-structured hierarchy is usually established. Under the fourth stage, the team leader usually engage in developing team members as they work towards achieved the objectives and goals that were delegated to the team. The last stage of managing of team is the adjourning stage whereby team

Evaluation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evaluation report - Essay Example s report I am going to evaluate the Borough of Lewisburg website, which is a historic community located on the banks of the beautiful Susquehanna River in Union Country Pennsylvania and is the commercial center of the area. Borough of Lewisburg website produces good visual impression. Navigation is clear, all pages are lightweight and load quickly. There are no broken links in a website. Navigation systems is clear to a normal user. All windows open in a new windows, which is a good practice. Search Engine Optimization. A website home page has high Google PageRank 7. It takes a good place on a very popular search query. Borough of Lewisburg website doesn’t offer full security to the confidential files of the site. This is clearly seen where some confidential files like the minutes are easily accessible to anyone accessing the site. This can lead to tracking of the activities taking place in the municipality thus may lead to external attacks. The website should at least give only the authorized members, the accessibility of the files. This can be easily done through a sign up where only members with accounts are allowed to access the site. Borough of Lewisburg website offers standard information quality given that it offers few information about the municipality. It offers the access to all departments existing in the municipal but offers little undetailed information the departments. This is clearly seen where the site doesn’t show pictorial information to add up to the general information of the website. The website offers little customer services but mainly concentrates on the main information of the departments found with the municipality. Though the Borough of Lewisburg website talks about some customer services offered under the Parks and Recreation. This leaves it with very little information about the customer or the citizen services. The website doesn’t offer direct online transactions but instead refers the users to a different webpage where

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Outsourcing vs. Off Shoring Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outsourcing vs. Off Shoring - Assignment Example One of the criticisms of off shoring is that it denies the local community employment opportunities as it transfers jobs to foreign countries, and therefore companies that participate in off shoring do not directly contribute to the economic development of the local community. As for outsourcing companies, they are mainly criticised for relying on third parties to perform some of their core functions thereby failing to develop in-house knowledge of the outsource functions. Secondly, outsourcing has the potential of misaligning customers’ interest since some core functions of the business are not performed by the company originally contracted (Oshri et al. 2009). Outsourcing and off shoring have similarities in advantages they offer that include reduced cost of operations, sub-contracting of work to equally qualified external workforce, and labour flexibilities. According to the studies conducted by Tuckman (1965), he stated that high performance teams usually follow five common stages or phases that include the forming, the storming, the norming, the performing, and the adjoining stage. For teams that perform either outsourced or off shored tasks, a team leader in the forming stage which is the first stage will bring together different members so as to form the team, at this stage the team leader may just introduce members and then proceed to the next stage, which is the storming stage. Under the storming stage, the team leader will exercise his or her authority by delegating tasks to team members and clearly define the team’s objectives and goals. Under the norming stage, team leaders usually try to control the fallouts witnessed in the storming stage and a well-structured hierarchy is usually established. Under the fourth stage, the team leader usually engage in developing team members as they work towards achieved the objectives and goals that were delegated to the team. The last stage of managing of team is the adjourning stage whereby team

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Stone Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Stone Age - Essay Example During this time, people made their tools and weapons mainly with the help of stones when metal working had not taken place yet. Geographically primeval culture has spread to all continents except Antarctica. The Stone Age is divided into three eras, which differ from each other with own peculiarities and conditions. The Stone Age brought humans to a totally new stage of their development. When climate drastically changed and glaciers melted, nomadic people reached the territory between Israel and Iraq, which hills were full of verdurous trees and wild animals. The Middle East became very attractive to humans who found favorable conditions for living here. Ancient people discovered that grain could give a lot of harvest, so eventually they found a way to gather crop with the help of appropriate stone tools. According to the archaeobotanist, George Willcox (2003), it had been noticed that during three-week period of time one person could gather enough grains for being able to feed fou r people for the entire year (Stories from the Stone Age). In additional, ancient people realized the efficiency of grain that could be stored for a long period of time without decay in case it was kept in a dry place. Consequently, discovering a very profitable place full of potential food, people at last found a reason to stop their nomadic life and settle down. Moreover, their decision to stay on chosen territory was also influenced with the fact that all tools made of stones and intended for gathering harvest were quite heavy, therefore people’s inability and lack of desire to carry their burdens eventually managed to change their lives irrevocably. Settling down in the Middle East made ancient people to face several challenges, one of which was finding ways to produce food out of plants. Also humans managed to develop and widen variety of tools for hunting realizing how precarious this activity was. Hence, people started to use stones connected by cords for catching wild animals and double-bladed sickles for cutting grass. In addition, people discovered usage of grains and began to produce so-called ancestor of bread. Gathering harvest and sharing tools helped people to unite their strength in a way when priority moved from individual prosperity to community’s wellbeing. People of that era had a special ritual for burial. They put dead person into the hole, placed a big stone on a chest and laid some personal possessions and various offerings. As archeologists found out, with the lapse of time this funeral rite faced some changes, like later n people started to took the scalp of the dead person out of a hole and bring it back into the world. Stones which had been found on the mentioned territories contained some scratches, which nowadays archeologists interpret as a first attempt to represent numbers. This fact has a great importance in a formation of ancient culture. Despite the fact that ancient people at last found an ideal place to stay on, they again were forced to return to their former nomadic lifestyle later on. Hence, the climate change brought draught which in its turn caused a dreadful shortage of food. So this was another challenge which ancient people were forced to overcome. All population split for small groups and began searching for food. One part of people finally settled down in Jordan near the

Positive Impact of Woman Labor in Economic Growth Essay Example for Free

Positive Impact of Woman Labor in Economic Growth Essay Labor one of the factors of production and serves as the source of competitive advantage of various countries in attracting foreign investors. Alongside with labor is the concept of productivity which is the largest single component of economic growth especially for those labor intensive countries. Therefore, government of various countries around the globe a lot enough focus on maintaining the equilibrium condition of their labor market in order to achieve impressive economic growth. But with the advent of globalization, the demand for laborers extended up to such point wherein the labor market has to accommodate woman on the pool of labor. But why is that so? Are there any benefits that can be derived from hiring a woman on a certain business firm? This paper aims to identify the effects of woman’s entrance to labor pool to economic growth as well as the factor/s that contributed in order for such event to occur in the labor market. Relationship of Woman Labor and Economic Growth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gender bias in labor force is a large factor to some of the countries especially in the Middle East wherein the labor pool is still being dominated by men and discrimination and injustices to women is very much accepted into their society. But there are still those liberal countries that welcome the entrance of women to labor force. Like for instance in UK, women serve as one of the source of higher productivity and economic growth (Walby, 2002). For the past decades, UK is relatively stable in terms of market success due to the improvement of the skills of their labor force and women made a significant contribution for the attainment of such impressive productivity and high performance. The characteristics of women like being keen to details and always want to take their time in order to attain the highest possible quality improved the efficiency and effectiveness of UK’s labor force.   Furthermore, though women are physically weak as compared to men, they are more productive when it comes to making planning and strategies on how to solve various problems concerning the welfare of the company or a business firms. This distinct characteristic of women serves as an avenue towards the improvement of the entire labor pool of UK for the past years. Moreover, it was identified that deficit in the labor force in the UK market provided a room for the market system to accept the entrance of women into the labor force despite of the fact that women have fewer educational qualifications than men; but this draw back on women was already settled by the present young women. Women nowadays compete at par with men in terms of attaining higher positions in the corporate world as they start to attain higher academic degrees. With this increase on productivity of labor force in UK industries started to generate more income and becomes more profitable. Moreover, domestic production is deemed to boost by the time skilled women entered the labor force of UK. In this regard, it is clear that the entry of women to labor force did provide positive impacts on the economic growth of the country. This insight do not suggest that men are already less efficient as compared to women, the point is, with the entry of women in the labor pool, the efficiency and effectiveness of men is further improved by the women. But with regards to physical productivity, still, men are still the one who dominates in the said area. Moreover, with the entrance of women in the labor force, flexibility of the labor pool improves since there were some tasks that only women can perform or requires the experiences of a woman. As a result, the productivity of the labor forces increase and so with the entire economy. At the end of the day, the entrance of women to labor force increases the volume of domestic production as more laborers can now be hired by domestic and foreign firms; as well as the improvement on the quality of the products being produced in the economy due to the innate characteristics of women like their keen attention to details provides lesser rooms for mistakes or errors. Moreover, those increases in the domestic production and higher quality of products will make the GDP of the country to increase which in return will improve the economic and social welfare of every laborers in the market. References Walby, S. (2002). The Impact of Women’s Position in the Labor Market on Pay and Implications for UK Productivity. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Diabetic With Exertional Dyspnea and Anasarca: Case Study

Diabetic With Exertional Dyspnea and Anasarca: Case Study A fifty year old gentleman, a known diabetic and hypertensive presented with exertional dyspnea and fluid overload. He was detected to have renal failure and associated evidence of cardiac disease, cardiorenal syndrome Type 4. He improved with decongestive therapy and conservative management. In view of the presence of microvascular complications of diabetes, he was diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy stage 5 and initiated on maintenance haemodialysis. The approach to diabetics with renal involvement and the issues in their management is discussed. Case summary A fifty year old gentleman a known diabetic and hypertensive for eight years presented with exertional dyspnea of one month duration. Dyspnoea on exertion had been progressively worsening for one month with orthopnea for one day. He complained of cough accompanied with  ½ a cup per day of mucoid non foul smelling, non blood stained sputum for last one month. He complained of swelling feet with worsening of dyspnoea for last four days. No h/o chest pain, PND, syncope, wheeze or fever. He was a chronic smoker (25 pack yrs) and a reformed alcohol consumer 240 gms/day for 15yrs. What would be your analysis of symptoms? The exertional dyspnea is suggestive of cardiovascular system involvement. In a diabetic, hypertensive and chronic smoker, coronary artery disease or hypertensive heart disease would be common possibilities. Cough with wheeze in a smoker could be COPD in exacerbation with cor pulmonale accounting for the exertional dyspnea and swelling feet, however orthopnea, a sign of left sided cardiac involvement would be uncommon. Additionally, the duration of cough is too short to qualify for COPD. Infective causes of cough like tuberculosis need to be excluded although they cannot account for all symptoms. He also complained of decreased urine output and puffiness of face for last four days. There is no history of altered behaviour, haematuria, smoky urine, nocturia, dysuria, hesitancy or precipitancy. Two years ago patient during evaluation prior to surgery for prolapsed disc was found a creatinine of 1.5mg%. Does the differential diagnosis change in the light of the additional information? The complaints of oliguria and puffiness of face suggests renal failure with fluid overload state. It is common for Type 2 diabetics, especially with accompanying hypertension to present with early renal involvement. Therefore, although the duration of diabetes is only eight years, the cause of renal failure could still be diabetic nephropathy. The presence of renal involvement two years ago is a clue to the chronic nature of renal involvement. An acute on chronic renal failure due to respiratory tract infection could account for the sudden worsening over one month. On examination, pulse 84 / min, regular, BP 190/110 mm Hg, respiratory rate 28/min, thoraco abdominal , JVP 8 cm above sternal angle, Facial puffiness, pallor and pitting edema in upper and lower limbs noted. Trophic skin changes in lower limb were present. No asterixis, Icterus, clubbing, cyanosis or lymphadenopathy seen. Respiratory system examination revealed extensive wheeze and coarse crackles. The heart sounds were normal with no pericardial rub. Liver was enlarged, span 15cm,soft, nontender and ascites was not elicitable. Fundoscopy revealed early nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. Rest of neurological examination was normal. What is your analysis with the given clinical findings? The patient has anasarca with pallor and hypertension. The presence of diabetic retinopathy also suggests microvascular complications have set in. Diabetic nephropathy with fluid overload state can explain most of the signs and symptoms. An associated cardiac disease like coronary artery disease may be present. Diastolic heart failure is common accompaniment that may be contributing the signs of right heart failure. Cardiac asthma can account for the new onset wheeze in a diabetic. Diabetic nephropathy with a possible cardiac pathology, cardiorenal syndrome is the most likely diagnosis. What is cardiorenal syndrome? Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is a pathophysiologic entity involving the heart and kidneys where acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ may result in acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. CRS Type 1 reflects an abrupt worsening of cardiac function as is seen in acute cardiogenic shock or in a patient of congestive heart failure who has decompensated leading to acute kidney injury. CRS Type 2 comprises the group of patient with chronic congestive heart failure resulting in progressive chronic renal failure. CRS Type 3 consists of an abrupt worsening of kidney function (e.g., acute renal failure or glomerulonephritis) causing acute cardiac dysfunction (e.g., arrhythmia, ischemia, heart failure). CRS Type 4 refers to a state of chronic kidney disease (e.g., chronic interstitial nephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis) contributing to left ventricular hypertrophy and poor cardiac function. CRS Type 5 reflects a systemic condition like sepsis resulting in simultaneous cardiac and renal dysfunction. Our patient seems to have Cardiorenal syndrome Type 4. The biochemical parameters, ECG and echocardiography will be needed to make a firm diagnosis. Investigations revealed Hb 10.5g/dl, TLC 13300/cumm, DLC P91L7, platelets 2.78lac/cumm, Urine albumin 4+, granular casts+, blood urea 89mg/dL, serum creatinine 5.8mg/dL, serum Na 115mmol/L, serum K 3.1mmol/L, blood sugar fasting 102mg/dL, postprandial 156mg/dL,HbA1C 6.6%, serum bilirubin 0.5mg/dL, calcium 8.4mg/dL, phosphate 3.2mg/dL, iPTH 6.9pg/ml, CKMB 19mg/dL, serum iron 48  µg /dL, serum TIBC 243 µg/dL, transferrin saturation 19.7%, HBsAg negative, Anti HCV Negative, HIV Negative. Ultrasound revealed medical renal Disease with bilateral renal cysts, size of right kidney 8.5 cms left kidney 9.5 cms. Chest radiograph showed cardiomegaly with prominent hilar markings. ECG showed T wave inversion in I, aVL,V4- V6 suggestive of strain pattern and left ventricular hypertrophy by voltage criteria. 2-D ECHO showed concentric LVH, No RWMA, EF 0.65,diastolic dysfunction, trivial TR and no AS/AR. Could this patient have nondiabetic renal disease? Is there an indication for kidney biopsy to confirm renal diagnosis in this patient? In a diabetic with kidney disease, it would be presumed that the proteinuria and azotemia is due to diabetic nephropathy especially if there is associated retinopathy and normal sized kidneys. There is no necessity to perform a kidney biopsy to confirm diabetic nephropathy as it would make no difference in the management. However, a diabetic is also prone to other nondiabetic renal diseases as in the general population that may need histopathological examination and warrant specific therapy. The clues that the renal failure is due to nondiabetic renal disease requiring a biopsy are summarised. Asymmetric kidneys or small sized kidneys are also clues to a nondiabetic renal disease but donot warrant biopsy. Our patient has near normal sized kidneys (right kidney small) with proteinuria and nonproliferative retinopathy, hence there is no requirement to biopsy. Retinopathy is present in 65% of cases of DMType2 with nephropathy, hence absence of retinopathy doesnot rule out nephropathy. Biopsy not indicated when Typical evolution of renal disease Concomitant retinopathy Biopsy should be considered when Renal manifestations are seen atypically (5-8 g/day) persists despite lowering of blood pressure * Only for Type 1 diabetes What are the stages of diabetic nephropathy? What stage is the patient in? The stages of diabetic nephropathy are as summarised in the table. Microalbuminuria is the earliest clinically detectable evidence of onset of nephropathy in a diabetic. About 20-25% of diabetics develop nephropathy in their lifetimes. The time after diagnosis has been validated after followup of Type1 diabetics and doesnot hold true for type 2 diabetics because the the time of onset of diabetes is not clearcut ina given case. It is not uncommon for clinically evident nephropathy to be present when type 2 diabetes is detected. Our patient has established renal failure, hence is in stage 5 diabetic nephropathy. Stage Glomerular filtration Albuminuria Blood pressure Time interval 1 Renal hyperfunction Elevated Absent Normal At diagnosis 2 Clinical latency High normal Absent 3Microalbuminuria Within the normal range 20-200 ÃŽ ¼g/min (30-300 mg/day) Rising within or above the normal range 5-15 years 4 Proteinuria (overt nephropathy) Decreasing 200 ÃŽ ¼g/min (300 mg/day) Increased 10-15 years 5 Renal failure Diminished Massive Increased 15-30 years What is the difference in nephropathy in Type 1 diabetes and type2 diabetes? Type 1 Diabetes with nephropathy Type 2 Diabetes with nephropathy Follows classical stages Hypertension is usually due to renoparenchymal aetiology Retinopathy 90-100 % concordance Non diabetic renal disease rare Less consistent Primary hypertension commoner (metabolic syndrome) Retinopathy 60% concordance Non diabetic renal disease 20-30% Define microalbuminuria. What is the relevance of finding microalbuminuria in a diabetic? Microabuminuria is defined as the presence of 30-300 mg albumin/24 hrs urine collection or 20-200microgm/mt in a timed urine sample in atleast 2/3 samples over 6 months in the absence of fever, infection, physical exercise, uncontrolled blood pressure or sugar, cardiac failure or haematuria. The importance of the finding is that it indicates endothelial dysfunction and is a predictor of diabetic nephropathy in 80% and 40% Type1 and Type2 diabetics. It is also is a predictor of cardiovascular mortality and is strongly associated with insulin resistance and hypertension. In a given patient it is a clue to the clinician to institute aggressive control of blood pressure and hyperglycemia to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy. The patient was managed with loop diuretics, plain insulin, inhaled bronchodilators, nitroglycerine drip and oxygen therapy. After initial stabilisation, he continued to have raised serum creatinine, hence was initiated on maintenance haemodialysis as a case of diabetic nephropathy with ESRD. What happens to the hyperglycemia with the onset of diabetic nephropathy? What treatment modifications are required to be made for glycemic control? With the onset of nephropathy, the insulin requirement decreases and patient becomes more prone to hypoglycaemia because the half life of insulin is prolonged, renal gluconeogenesis decreases, food intake is decreased, half life of oral hypoglycemics is prolonged, diabetic gastropathy delays gastric emptying and patient frequently vomits food due to uraemia. Infact if a well controlled diabetic develops episodes of unexplained hypoglycaemia, then one needs to look for evidence of nephropathy. Biguanides and long acting sulfonylureas are contraindicated in the presence of renal failure. Glimepride and glipizide may be used if serum creatinine is less than 2mg/dL. With more advanced renal failure, patient should be shifted to insulin therapy. What are the measures that can prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy? Large randomised control trials like IDNT and RENAAL have provided clear evidence that angiotensin receptor blockers help to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy. The ADVANCE trial provided similar evidence for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. A target blood pressure of 130/80 mmof Hg is recommended for diabetics with proteinuria. Intensive treatment of hyperglycemia with tight blood sugar control has shown to reduce the incidence of micovascular complications including nephropatrhy in multiple studies like DCCT, UKPDS and ADVANCE. Cessation of smoking, avoidance of high protein diet and control of hyperlipidemia also seem to be beneficial. Once overt renal failure has set in then tight blood sugar control may not prevent further progression of nephropathy and the risk of hypoglycaemia increases, hence the physician should use discretion in prescribing antidiabetic therapy. What are the issues in dialysis of patients with diabetic nephropathy? Although diabetics with ESRD are candidates for all renal replacement therapy (RRT) options as nondiabetics, there are many factors that make it challenging to provide RRT in a diabetic. Associated coronary artery disease and diastolic dysfunction, high incidence of fistula failure due to atherosclerosed vessels, heparin (given during haemodialysis) related bleed due to associated retinopathy, decreased osmotic gradient and poor clearance in CAPD, poor tolerance to uraemic symptoms, diabetic cystopathy and gastroparesis, preponderance to low turnover bone disease, higher incidence of infections, autonomic neuropathy, elderly age group of patients with attendant social and logistic issues all contribute to poor survival in diabetics compared to nondiabetics. Final diagnosis Diabetic nephropathy in end stage renal disease with Cardiorenal syndrome Type 4 Commentary Diabetic nephropathy has become the commonest cause of chronic kidney disease in both the western world and developing countries. Classical stages of diabetic nephropathy described in Type 1 diabetics may not be evident in the progression of kidney disease associated with Type 2 diabetics. Measures to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy should be aggressively instituted. Patients of diabetes Type2 with kidney disease additionally have associated cardiac disease making the management of such patients challenging. Cardiorenal syndromes encountered in various situations have been recently described that have improved our understanding of the complex pathophysiology and may open new avenues of treatment in the future. Take home message Diabetic nephropathy is the commonest cause of ESRD and developing countries are likely to face an epidemic in the next two decades. Cardiorenal syndrome (Types1-5) is a recently described pathophysiological condition that has furthered our understanding of the complex interrelation between heart failure and kidney failure in diverse clinical settings. Why Are Informal Networks Important? Why Are Informal Networks Important? Introduction Informal organizations affect decisions within the formal organization but either, are omitted from the formal scheme or are not consistent with it. They consist of interpersonal relationships that are not mandated by the rules of the formal organization but arise spontaneously in order to satisfy individual members needs Ever since the Hawthorne Studies (Mayo, 1949) and the development of the Human Relations school of thought, there has been a widespread tendency towards adopting a less scientific view of organisations. There has also been a relaxation of the assumption of rational behaviour by employees and behaviour that is strictly in tune with the goals of management and the rest of the organisation. As Mayo states: In every department that continues to operate, the workers have, whether aware of it or not, formed themselves into a group with appropriate customs, duties, routines, even rituals; and management succeeds (or fails) in proportion, as it is accepted without reservation by the group as authority and leader (Mayo, 1949) This indicates that individuals in organisations do not stop being social beings while at work. This in turn relates to the very core of the essential question of how to define an organisation. The underlying assumption in this paper will be that organisations are basically a web of coalitions and that coalition building is an important dimension of all organisational life (Morgan, 1997). In consequence, various approaches have been undertaken in order to try and understand organisations. By mainly focusing on communication as the vehicle of social structures, sociologists have described organisations as structures of social interactions in a specific organisational context or culture (White, 1970). Psychologists relaxed and redefined the assumption of rational behaviour in order to understand and describe the needs of individuals in organisations. This has led to a multitude of ways to describe organisational structures, often through metaphors (Morgan, 1997). There has been a shift in the traditional view of the role of the manager and his or her workday (Mintzberg, 1973). By not relying on the normative division of work into planning, organising, coordinating and controlling, Mintzberg suggested that the workday of a manager was much less structured and based on intuition rather than formal decision making processes. What becomes apparent regardless of the method of analysis of the underlying premise is that no organisation can be described or mapped in a satisfactory manner using just formal organisational methods, let alone be managed on that basis. The Structure of Informal Networks It is important to present the concepts associated with intra-organisational social networks. The optimal terminology to describe the informal organisation depends on the purpose of the analysis. There is no one best way to interpret informal networks (Mintzberg, 1989). Informal networks in organisations are likened with the nervous system of a living organism, whereas the bones represent the formal organisation (Krackhardt and Hanson, 1993). Staying with the analogy of the human body, a superficial comparison can be made between the skeleton and the nervous system, and informal/ formal networks within organisations to help understand the function of these networks. The formal organisation is compared to a skeleton which is a strong and rigid frame and the informal organisation is compared to the nervous system which is fragile yet flexible. The skeleton is visible, whereas the nervous system is an entity with no structure without definite subdivisions. Without determined, close obse rvation, it might be difficult to recognise (Han, 1983). Why do Informal Networks Exist? Informal networks exist in every organisation and are an inevitable function within them. Individuals do not stop being social beings when placed in a formal work setting. When highlighting some of the motives for the creation and maintenance of informal networks within organisations, it is important to distinguish between unconscious and conscious reasons for their existence. Affiliation needs: To satisfy the need for belonging to a group, individuals will tend to join networks of friendship and support. As a result, a part of ones individuality is sacrificed to conform to group norms. Identity and self-esteem: Belonging to a group or informal network can develop, enhance and confirm an individuals sense of identity as a result of the personal interaction. Social needs: Traditional formal networks within organisations often offer little room for emotions, feelings or sharing of personal thought, informal networks serve as an agent for structuring and supporting a shared social reality. By relying on this social reality, individuals can reduce uncertainty and stress. Informal groups also help members to compensate for feeling of dissatisfaction with the formal leader, organization or official communication system (Han, 1983). Defence mechanism: In the face of perceived threat or general uncertainty, group cohesion can act as a defence mechanism to reduce (perceived) uncertainty and strengthen each individuals ability to respond to the threat. Risk reduction: Through diluting blame and aggregating praise, a group of workers perceive risk to a lesser extent than they would as individuals. Thus unconscious efforts of individuals to control the conditions of their existence will lead to the creation of informal groups. In addition, often more practical and very clear unambiguous conscious reasons for the creation and development of informal networks also exist. The need to know: One of the primary characteristics of the informal structure within organisations is their communications network, often referred to as the grapevine. Studies have shown grapevine communication to be both fast and surprisingly accurate (Crampton et al., 1998). And in situations when information is critically needed by an individual to perform the task at hand, the grapevine can prove and efficient vehicle for news and information, thus bypassing the formal channels of communication (Mintzberg, 1973). Politics: One of the more conscious reasons for the use of informal networks within organisations is that employees might choose to use informal channels of communication to influence colleagues or superiors in order to gain an advantage in organisational politics. Politics refers to individual or group behaviour, that is informal, ostensibly parochial, typically divisive, and above all, in the technical sense, illegitimate, sanctioned neither by formal authority, accepted ideology, nor certified expertise (though it may exploit any one of these) (Mintzberg, 1983) What is the Informal Organisation? Chester Bernard, a pioneering management theorist who studying organisational behaviour, in the classic The Functions of the Executive, described the informal organisation as any joint personal activity without conscious joint purpose, even though it contributes to joint results. Thus, the informal relationships established between groups of colleagues going for a drink after work on a Friday may actually help in the achievement of reaching organisational goals (Barnard, 1938). More recently the informal organisation has been described as a network of personal and social relations not established or required by the formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another (Davis and Newstrom, 1985). Thus, informal relationships do not appear on the organisational chart but do include relationships such as chatting together, having lunch or even getting together outside of work hours to socialise together. Informal Group Dynamics at Work Managers are often not aware that within every organisation there are group pressures that influence and regulate employee behaviour, performance and motivation. Informal groups can form their own code of ethics and an unspoken set of standards in establishing acceptable behaviour. Manager needs to be aware of the power and influence informal groups have and that they will almost inevitably form if the opportunity arises. These groups can have an extremely powerful impact on the achievement of organisational effectiveness. However the influence of these groups can be controlled and resisted if handled efficiently. The impact of informal behaviour within the formal organisational setting depends on the norms that the group adheres to. As this is the case it can be surmised that the informal organisation can make the formal organisation either more or less effective depending on how it is managed and controlled and interacts within a company. References BARNARD, C. I. 1938. The functions of the executive, Cambridge, Harvard university press. CRAMPTON, S. M., HODGE, J. W. MISHRA, J. M. 1998. The Informal Communication Network: Factors Influencing Grapevine Activity. Public Personnel Management. DAVIS, K. NEWSTROM, J. 1985. Human Behavior at Work. New York: Mc Graw Hill. HAN, P. E. 1983. The Informal Organization Youve Got to Live With. Supervisory Management 28. KRACKHARDT, D. HANSON, J. R. 1993. Informal networks : the company behind the chart, Harvard Business Review. MAYO, E. 1949. The social problems of an industrial civilization. Routhledge. MINTZBERG, H. 1973. The nature of managerial work, New York ; London, Harper and Row. MINTZBERG, H. 1983. Power in and around organizations, Englewood Cliffs ; London, Prentice-Hall. MINTZBERG, H. 1989. Mintzberg on management : inside our strange world of organizations, New York London, Free Press ; Collier Macmillan. MORGAN, G. 1997. Images of Organization. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications. SIMON, H. A. 1976. Administrative Behavior. New York: The Free Press. WHITE, H. C. 1970. Chains of Opportunity: System Models of Mobility in Organizations. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Forensic Linguistics Assignment Essay -- Forensic Science

Speech analysis has a type called the voice stress analysis that detects stress in the form of micro tremors in the speech of a person. It is important to note that the voice stress analysis is equivalent to polygraph. Both polygraph and stress have a common problem of not being able to point out deception. This notwithstanding, the speech analysis is apparently being used by both the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. The fact that each and every person possesses a unique voiceprint makes the identification of a speaker to be theoretically possible. This can be achieved through acoustic analysis of the intonation counters, pitch and vowel length. When the pairs of the spectrographs that show the suspect speaker and the known speaker uttering similar words are matched, the speaker can be easily identified (Olsson 2004, p. 71). The fact that voice stress analysis relies on eye comparison is a big problem. Another problem involves the variation that occurs in the same speaker. It is reported that the uttering of the same sentence a hundred times in quick succession does not produce any two identical uttering. Some countries like the United Kingdom, however, prefer auditory analysis as opposed to the acoustic method. In auditory analysis, the speech samples are phonetically transcribed. This analysis is important as it allows the analysts to identify such features that are idiosyncratic like the speech impediments and the unusual realization of phonemes. Besides, the analysts might find the need to profile the social and regional identity of the speaker. Speech analysis nowadays accepts the mixed method as the most accurate and reliable. It can found its application in situat... ... and textual analysis (Gibbons 2003, p. 26). Works Cited Coulthard, M, & Johnson, A 2007, an introduction to forensic linguistics: language in evidence, Routledge, New York. Gibbons, J 2003, Forensic linguistics: an introduction to language in the justice system, Blackwell Pub, Malden. Gibbons, J, & Turell, TM 2008, Dimensions of forensic linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Jordan, SN 2002, Forensic linguistics: the linguistic analyst and expert witness of language evidence in criminal trials, Biola University, La Mirada. McMenamin, GR, & Choi, D 2002 Forensic linguistics: advances in forensic stylistics, Crc Press, Boca Raton. Olsson, J 2008, Forensic linguistics, Continuum, London. Olsson, J 2004, Forensic linguistics: an introduction to language, crime, and the law, Continuum International Publishing Group, London .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Electoral college :: essays research papers

A common misconception among American is that when they vote they elect the President. The truth is not nearly this simple. What in fact happens when a person votes is that there vote goes for an Elector. This Elector (who is selected by the respective state in which a vote is cast) casts ballots for two individuals, the President and the Vice-President. Each state has the same number of electors as there are Senate and House of Representative members for that State. When the voting has stopped the candidate who receives the majority of the Electoral votes for a state receives all the electoral votes for that state. All the votes are transmitted to Washington, D.C. for tallying, and the candidate with the majority of the electoral votes wins the presidency. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the responsibility of selecting the next President falls upon the House of Representatives. This elaborate system of Presidential selection is thought by many to be an 18th century anachronism (Hoxie p. 717), what it is in fact is the product of a 200 year old debate over who should select the President and why. In 1787, the Framers in their infinite wisdom, saw the need to respect the principles of both Federalists and States Righters (republicans) (Hoxie p. 717). Summarily a compromise was struck between those who felt Congress should select the President and those who felt the states should have a say. In 1788 the Electoral College was indoctrinated and placed into operation. The College was to allow people a say in who lead them, but was also to protect against the general public's ignorance of politics. Why the fear of the peoples ignorance of politics? It was argued that the people, left to their own devices could be swayed by a few designing men to elect a king or demagogue (McManus p. 19). With the Electoral College in place the people could make a screened decision about who the highest authority in the land was to be (Bailey & Shafritz (p. 60); at the same time the fear of the newly formed nation being destroyed by a demagogue could be put to rest because wiser men had the final sa y. 200 years later the system is still designed to safeguard against the ignorant capacities of the people. The Electoral College has remained relatively unchanged in form and function since 1787, the year of its formulation.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Intrapartum care study notes Essay

Pathophysiology, etiology and direct and indirect causes in your own words Pathophysiology: Both mother and baby begin to prepare for birth in the ï ¬ nal weeks of pregnancy. The mother is instructed to call the health care provider and come into the birthing unit if any of the following occur. Rupture of membranes, regular, frequent uterine contractions (nulliparas, 5 minutes apart for one hour; multiparas, 6-8 minutes apart for 1 hour), any vaginal bleeding or decreased fetal movement. Family centered care is a model of care based on the philosophy that physical, sociocultural, spiritual, and economic needs of the family are combined and considered collectively when planning for the childbearing family. Five factors are important in the process of labor and birth. 1)Birth passage – is the size of the maternal pelvis or diameters of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, and outlet. The type of maternal pelvis, and the ability of the cervix to dilate and efface and ability of the vaginal canal and the external opening of the vagina to distend. 2) The fetus-fetal head, fetal attitude, fetal lie, and fetal presentation. 3) Relationship between passage and fetusengagement of the fetal presenting part, station or location of fetal presenting part in the maternal pelvis in relation to the spine, and fetal position. 4) Physiologic forces of labor -frequency, duration, and intensity of uterine contractions as the fetus moves through the passage, and effectiveness of the maternal pushing effort. 5)Psychosocial considerations-mental and physical preparation for childbirth, socio-cultural values and beliefs, previous childbirth experience, support from signiï ¬ cant other, and emotional status. Labor usually begins between 30 and 42 weeks of gestation. Pro just her own relaxes the smooth muscle  tissue, estrogen stimulates uterine muscle contractions, and connective tissue loosens to permit the softening, thinning, and eventual opening of the cervix. In true labor, with each contraction the muscles of the upper uterine segment shortening and exert a Longitudinal traction on the cervix, causing effacement in which is the drawing up of the internal OS and the cervical canal into the uterine sidewalls. The contractions of true labor produced progressive dilation and effacement of the cervix. They only occur regularly and increase in frequency, duration, and intensity. The discomfort of true labor contractions usually starts in the back and radiates around to the abdomen. The pain is not relieved by ambulation. The contractions of false labor do not produce progressive cervical effacement and dilation. They are you regular and do not increasing frequency, duration, and intensity. The discomfort may be relieved by ambulation, changing positions, drinking a large amount of water, or taking a warm shower. Exemplar Face Sheet SP12 Exemplar Face Sheet Pathophysiology, etiology and direct and indirect causes in your own words The ï ¬ rst stage begins with the onset of true labor and ends when the cervix is completely dilated at 10 cm. The second stage begins with complete dilation and ends with the birth of the newborn. The third stage begins with the birth of the newborn and ends with the delivery of the placenta. Some clinicians identify a fourth stage. This stage lasts 1 to 4 hours after delivery of the placenta, the uterus effectively contracts to control bleeding at the placental site. Maternal systemic response to labor. The mothers cardiovascular system is stressed both by the uterine contractions and by the pain, anxiety, and apprehension she experiences. During pregnancy the circulating blood volume increases by 50%. The increasing cardiac output  peaks between the second and third trimester. Maternal position also affects cardiac output. In the supine position, cardiac output lowers heart rate increases and stroke volume decreases. When turned to a lateral side laying position cardiac output increases. As a result blood-pressure rises during uterine  contractions. Oxygen demand and consumption increased at the onset of the labor because of the presence of uterine contractions. By the end of the ï ¬ rst stage of labor most women develop a mild metabolic acidosis compensated by respiratory alkalosis. The changes in acid-base status that occur in labor quickly reversed in the fourth stage because of changes in the woman’s respiratory rate. During labor there is an increase in maternal renin level, plasma renin activity, and angiotensinogen level. These help control uteroplacental bloodï ¬â€šow during birth and the early postpartum period. Gastric mobility and absorption of solid food are reduced. Some narcotics also delayed gastric emptying. White blood cell count increases to 25,000 to 30,000 cells during labor and the early postpartum Period. The change in wbc’s is mostly because of the increased neutrophils resulting from a physiologic response to stress. The increased WBC count makes it difï ¬ cult to identify the presence of an infection. Maternal blood glucose levels decrease during labor because glucoses uses an energy source. Fetal  response to labor. The mechanical and hemodynamic changes of normal labor have no adverse effect when the fetus is healthy. Heart rate deceleration can occur with intracranial pressure as the head pushes against the cervix. Bloodï ¬â€šow is decreased to the fetus at the peak of each contraction, leading to a slow decrease in pH status. The adequate exchange of nutrients and gases in the fetal capillaries depends in part on the fetal blood pressure. Fetal blood pressure is a protective mechanism for the normal fetus in the anoxic periods caused by the contracting uterus during labor. The fetus is able to experience sensations of light, sound, and touch beginning at approximately 37 or 38 weeks of gestation. Exemplar Face Sheet SP12 Exemplar Face Sheet Pathophysiology, etiology and direct and indirect causes in your own words Sometimes procedures are necessary to maintain the safety of the woman and the fetus. The most common of these  procedures are labor induction, episiotomy, cesarean birth, and vaginal birth following a previous cesarean birth. Labor induction is the stimulation of the uterine contractions before the  spontaneous onset of labor, with or without ruptured fetal  membranes, for the purpose of accomplishing birth. Risk  Factors: Other alterations may occur during the intrapartum  period. These include precipitous birth (rapid progression of labor, with birthing occuring within 3 hours or less), abruption placentae (premature separation of a normally implanted  placenta from the uterine wall. Considered to be a catastrophic event because of the severity of the resulting hemorrhage),  placenta previa (implantation of the placenta day in the lower uterine segment rather than the upper portion, resulting in  placental separation with dilation of the cervix), premature rupture of membranes (spontaneous rupture of the membranes  before the onset of labor), preterm (Labor that occurs between 20 and 36 completed weeks of pregnancy) and postterm labor (A pregnancy that exceeds 42 weeks since the last menstrual  period), hypertonic labor (ineffective uterine contractions of poor quality occurring in the latent phase of labor with increased resting tone of the myometrium and frequent contra ctions),  hypotonic labor (usually developing in the active phase of labor, characterized by 4000g at birth, often associated with excessive maternal weight, maternal obesity, maternal diabetes, or  prolonged gestation), nonreassuring fetal status (when the  oxygen supply is insufï ¬ cient to meet the physiologic needs of the fetus),  prolapsed umbilical cord (The umbilical cord precedes the fetal presenting part, placing pressure on the cord and reducing or stopping bloodï ¬â€šow to and from the fetus), amniotic ï ¬â€šuid embolism (The presence of a small tear in the amnion or chorion high in the uterus, an area of separation in the placenta, or cervical tear where a small amount of amniotic ï ¬â€šuid may leak into the chorionic plate and enter the maternal system as an amniotic ï ¬â€šuid embolism), cephalopelvic disproportion (occurs when the fetal head is too large to pass through any part of the birth passage, which can result in prolonged labor, uterine  rupture , necrosis of maternal soft tissue, cord prolapse,  excessive molding of the fetal head, or damage to the fetal skull and central nervous system), retained placenta (retention of the placenta beyond 30 minutes after birth, resulting in bleeding that may lead to shock), lacerations (tearing of the cervix or vagina. The highest risk is in young or nullipara woman, forceps assisted birth, or administration of an epidural), Exemplar Face Sheet SP12 Exemplar Face Sheet Pathophysiology, etiology and direct and indirect causes in your own words placenta accreta (The chorionic villa attached directly to the myometrium of the uterus.. The adherence itself maybe total, partial, or focal, depending on the amount of placental involved), and perinatal loss (death of a fetus or infant from the time of conception through the end of the newborn period 28 days after delivery). Interrelated Concepts (3 or more) Comfort, Mobility, Family, and Sexuality Prioritized 1. Risk for injury related to hyperstimulation of uterus caused Nursing by induction of labor.! Diagnoses (4 or more in two or 2. Anxiety related to discomfort of labor and unknown labor three part outcomes as evidence by verbal communication.! statements)! 3. Acute Pain related to uterine contractions as evidence by verbal complaints of pain. 4. Readiness for enhanced cognition related to the birth process as evidence by verbalizing concerns to nurse. Resource Links ! Grassley, J. S., & Sauls, D. J. (2012). Evaluation of the (2 or more)! Supportive Needs of Adolescents during Childbirth Intrapartum Nursing Intervention on Adolescents’ Childbirth Satisfaction and Breastfeeding Rates. JOGNN: Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 41(1), 33-44. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2011.01310.x! Mathew, D., Dougall, A., Konfortion, J., & Johnson, S. (2011). The Intrapartum Scorecard: Enhancing safety on the labour ward. British Journal Of Midwifery, 19(9), 578-586.!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space

The Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space Executive sum-up The purpose of this study is to sketch the factors which should be taken into history in the design of a modern life or working infinite. The study discusses three factors related to design of an ideal office, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The study gives a figure of recommendations, the chief 1s being:Allow natural air flow by utilizing a cross airing system to make a fresh ambiance.Decorate the office with Blue and Green colour to make a pleasant and productive ambiance.Use fluorescent visible radiations to make natural, warm or daylight colorss of visible radiation to cut down oculus fatigue and concern jobs.Tables of ContentssPage No.1.0Introduction42.0Design factors42.0.1Environmental factors42.0.2Affectional factors42.0.3Practical factors52.1Planing an ideal office52.1.1Environmental factors in an office design52.1.2Affectional factors in an office design52.1.3Practical factors in an office design63.0Decision64.0Recommendation65.0Reference List8In troductionThe intent of this study is to sketch the factors which should be taken into history in the design of a modern life or working infinite, and to give recommendations sing the ideal design of an office. It is written for Mr James Scott as portion of the Academic English class demands. The information was acquired through cyberspace research and group treatment. First, the study outlines the general factors related to design of a modern life or working infinite. Following, these factors are applied to the ideal design of an office. Subsequent to this, a decision is given followed by clear recommendations. 2.0 Design factors There are three factors to take into history when planing a modern life or work infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical considerations. 2.0.1 Environmental factors Environmental factors relate to utilize of natural resource and the decrease of cost through the usage of renewable energy beginnings. The ways to make this involve, First, by utilizing a cross airing design to maintain populating country cool, fresh and healthy. Second, by put ining Windowss and doors on the E and west side, maximal natural visible radiation can be utilized. Third, by put ining solar panel and photo-voltaic system, electricity can be generated for different intents and its C free energy ( Seminara, 2014 ) . Hence, the usage of natural resource in modern life or working infinite reduces pollution and energy ingestion. 2.0.2 Affectional factors Affectional factors are to make with interior design and ornament of life or working infinite that affect people’s temper and attitudes. Harmonizing to Sanders ( 2014 ) , agreement of accoutrements and furniture affect the human tempers. For case, by maintaining a little tabular array with cheerful and colorful flowers and cosmetic container next to imbibe coaster can elate temper and create pleasant and friendly environment. Furthermore, adorning infinite with bright colorss and LED rope light gives energy and relaxation ( Taylor, 2013 ) . To reason, interior design and ornament of life and working can make a more comfy infinite. 2.0.3 Practical factors Practical factors in design are concerned with the wellness of worlds. It includes facets such as organic stuffs and comfy chairs and desks. In order to cut down toxic gases in life or working infinite, organic stuffs should be used such as wood, wool, slate, cotton and gorgeous fabrics ( Gibson, 2013 ) . Furthermore, ergonomic chairs and desks should be used which gives relaxation and comfy feeling. Harmonizing to Aulenback ( 2013 ) , proper accommodation of chair, desk dimensions and tallness of proctor can cut down back hurts and wellness hazard of employees. In short, use ergonomic equipment and organic stuffs in modern design of life or working infinite is an of import. 2.1 Planing an ideal office Having outlined the above factors associating to general design, it is now necessary to use them to the design of an office. 2.1.1 Environmental factors in an office design Environmental factors in an office include energy decrease and natural airing. Sing energy decrease, energy ingestion can be reduced by utilizing sunshine in the office environment, this impacting positive productiveness and the moral of employees ( Rayfield, 1997 ) . Equally far as natural airing is concerned, a cross airing system would let natural air flow throughout the office and corridors making a fresh ambiance in the office ( Goodell, 2010 ) . In short, low energy use and natural airing would ensue in an eco-friendly office taking to increase productiveness. 2.1.2 Affectional factors in an office design Affectional factors in an office design would affect the usage of appropriate colorss and an interior furniture design that positively affects the temper, emphasis degrees and behavior of workers. Sing colorss, the office could include bluish and green, the Blue and Green colour excite the heads of employees ( Akkan Design, 2014 ) . Refering interior furniture design, work can be performed in an efficient and originative mode when unit of ammunition shaped furniture is used. This is confirmed by a 2013 survey demoing that when employees were seated at a curving form desk they were more likely to prosecute in meeting. ( Australian authorities Comcare, 2002 ) . In decision, appropriate colorss and interior furniture design of an office creates a pleasant and productive ambiance. 2.1.3 Practical factors in an office design Practical factors in an office design would include lighting and equipment, such as chairs and desks which affect the wellness of workers. Refering lighting, usage of fluorescent tubings in the office would supply different qualities of visible radiation, such as natural, warm or daylight coloring material. By utilizing these, eyes fatigue and concern jobs can be reduced ( Hawary, 2011 ) . Sing desk design, a desk should hold a smooth and level surface, rounded corners and good entree for the user’s legs. In add-on, chairs should hold different maps such as accommodation of tallness, turn overing wheels and back joust to cut down back hurting job ( National Occupational Commission, 2011 ) . Hence, proper lighting and comfy chairs and desks are required to cut down wellness jobs.DecisionThis study has outlined the factors associating to the design of a working or populating infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical facets. It has besides discussed the applic ation of these factors in the ideal design of an office. 4.0 Recommendation Having discussed the factors involved in planing a life or working infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The undermentioned recommendations are given for the design of an ideal office. Environmental factorsInstall windows on the West and east side to let sunshine into the office.Allow natural air flow by utilizing a cross airing system to make a fresh ambiance.Affectional factorsDecorate the office with Blue and Green colour to make a pleasant and productive ambiance.Make a pleasant and friendly environment by maintaining cosmetic container on desk.Practical factorsUse fluorescent visible radiations to make natural, warm or daylight colorss of visible radiation to cut down oculus fatigue and concern jobs.Fit comfy desks which have smooth and level surfaces and good entree for user’s legs.Provide chairs with different maps, such as back joust, turn overing wheels and accommodation of tallness to cut down back hurting job.Reference ListAkkan Design. ( 2014 ) . How Color Affects Mood in Office and Interior Design. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Aulenback, S. ( 2013 ) . 6 Ways to contend weariness while utilizing your standing desk. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Australian Government Comcare. ( 2002 ) . Officewise. ISBN 1 921160 17 9 Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Gibson, R. ( 2013 ) . 10 Contemporary Elementss that Every Home demands. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Goodell, l. ( 2010 ) . How to Make a Productive Office Environment. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Hawary, S. ( 2011 ) . Lighting rules in interior design of direction infinites. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. ( 2011 ) . Ergonomic Principles and Checklists for the Selection of Office Furniture and Equipment. ISBN 0 644 24516 6 Rayfield, J. K. ( 1997 ) . The office Interior Design Guide. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Drum sanders, A. ( 2014 ) . How Does Room Decoration Affect Mood? Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Seminara, D. ( 2014 ) . Eco Housing Design. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Taylor, J. ( n.d ) . 8 Ways to Get Ambient Lighting. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

CIA operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIA operations - Essay Example Politicians are rightly worried about possible human rights violations, as the CIA is operating in complete impunity, answerable to nobody except the president himself. Congress now wants to see the memorandum which allegedly justified the killing by drone strikes, even including those American citizens who are considered terrorists and living abroad (Shear & Shane, 2013, p. 1). It also coincided with the confirmation hearings for the new nominee for the CIA top post, John O. Brenna, who is considered as the chief architect of targeted killing using pilotless drones. Obama is accused of hypocrisy, who said enhanced interrogation techniques were now stopped, but he is using other means which are equally doubtful, in the legal sense. The said memorandum is really a classified document but Congress wants to see a copy of it, which detailed the justifications of killing an American citizen by his own government; the two reasons are if the target is a senior operative of Al-Qaeda and capt ure is not possible without endangering American soldiers. Israel was caught unprepared during this engagement because its generally cannot agree on a unified strategy if war ever comes. Moreover, the attack occurred during the holies day of Israeli religious festivities, which in that year, also coincided with the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The Israelis never thought the Arabs would launch an attack during their own holiest religious day. However, there are several reasons advanced why Israel was caught napping. This includes wrong assumptions made by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military intelligence about Egypts strategic plans and real intentions, and so concluded that war is not imminent due these erroneous assumptions. Overall, the Israelis did not think the Arabs were serious about going to war, and thereby ignored all warnings, compounded by the squabble among its generals. human body is a very complex system that is highly evolved over the years.